Things we should know: Page 6 - the binary chart of units and machine language is the language we compile into Page 9 - the compiler. Translates instructions into high level machine language. Pre-processor is a nice to know. Page 22 - Just in case you forgot, C++ is evolved from C. Page 42/43 - Data types and assignments, expressions arithmetic operators. Pages 50/51 - CAST operation - will likely have test questions with realistic examples on how these would convert. CAST doesn't round. We'll probably see these in the book. Page 64/65 - initializing variables, CIN/COUT Page 69, 70, 71 - incrementer decrementers. ...X=5. X++ = 5, ++X = 6. ** Remember to use CPP shell for the test, not 72 - Examples of COUT Page 77 - Commonly used escape characters chart location Page 130 - CIN extractor operator - INPUT FAILURE, paragraph right under the note. (CHAR cannot go into an INT, INT can go into a CHAR) Page 133 - CIN, GET, IGNORE functions. There are examples on 135. Page 136 - PUT BACK and PEEK functions Page 144-147 - SHOW, SET PRECISION, FIXED manipulators and how they work. Page152 - SETFILL Page 154 - LEFT/RIGHT manipulators Page 200 - AND OR expressions. AND - both true, OR only one has to be true. LOGICAL OPERATOR CHART ON 199. Page 221/222 - the (==) and the (=) operators, the silent killer (X=# will always be true because it's an assignment) Page 223 - IF/ELSE Page 227 - SWITCH structure through 230 Page 230 - Example of SWITCH statement Page 269 - WHILE loop structure (Pre-Test) Page 298/299 - FOR loop structures (Pre-Test) Page 309 - DO/WHILE loop structure (Post test). Pretests may never execute, a do while will fly at least once Page 356 - RETURN statement on a value returned can be a variable, expression or a constant. Top of page 360 shows an example of this; the compareThree example. Page 360/361 - Functional Protypes Page 363- Recall that in a value-returning function, the RETURN statement returns ONLY ONE value. It is always the LAST value. Page 378 - VOID statements return nothing Page 468 - ENUM starts with a ZERO [0]. 476 Good example of ENUM with SWITCH statement Page 471 - NO Arithmetic in ENUM types Page 492-493 - STRING concatenations, examples on 494-495 Page 502, 503, 504 - Examples of inserts. Page 527/28 - Basic layout of an array in a loop and how to use it. 528 examples on initializing, reading, printing, finding sums...etc. Page 536/37 - More detailed examples built into functions, single dimension array. Page 552/3 - C strings and arrays Page 564 - Layout and initialization of an array Page 566 - 570 - processing 2D array Page 616-617 - Set up and assignment of a struct through 618/19. Page 620 - Good comparison chart between arrays and structs 625/626 - structs within structs CLASS IS PRIVATE BY DEFAULT. Page 657 - Different types of members. Variable object declaration, unified modeling language class diagrams. Class members [.] [.] is the member access operator Page 670/671 - Public/Private at the class level and how to declare pieces that are private and pieces that are public Page 671 - Constructors with parameters (might be handy for assignment 9 too) As many constructors as you want, only ONE destructor. [~] is the indicator for a destructor. Page 685 - Class and struct capabilities and why we use one over the other.
pg 9: Know what a compiler is. pg 22: C++ derived from C language.
Chapter 2:
pg 42 & 43: datatypes, variables, assignment statements. Arithmetic Operator Precedence, and Expressions. pg 51: Type conversion (Casting). C does not round, truncates. pg 65: Initializing Variables. Know difference between cin and cout. pg 69, 70, 71: Increment and Decrement Operators. pg 72: Examples of cout. pg 77: Escape Sequences.
Chapter 3:
pg 130: Using Predefined Functions in a Program. pg 133: cin and Get functions pg 135: Ignore function pg 136: Putback and Peek functions pg 144 - 147: Setprecision and Fixed Manipulator pg 152 - 154: Setfill, Left & Right Manipulators
Chapter 4:
pg 200: Boolean Operators and Logical Expressions pg 222: "Silent Killer" Confusion b/t the Equality Operator(==) and the Assignment Operator(=) pg 223: Conditional Operator (If, then, else) pg 227 - 230: Switch Structure
Chapter 5: Loops
pg 270: Conditional Flag Test pg 298 - 299: "For" loop pg 309: "Do While" loop
Chapter 6: Functions
pg 356: Return Statement pg 360 - 361: Functional Prototypes pg 363: Value- Returning Functions, (If x = 7, and y = 3) >> return 5, x, y + x; = 10 pg 380: Void
Chapter 7: ENUM
pg 475 - 476: Examples of enum with switch. pg 492 - 493: String types
Chapter 8: Arrays
pg 527 - 528: Array and a Loop (Initializing, Printing, Reading) pg 536 - 537: Examples of above ^^^ pg 552 - 553: C- Strings (Character Arrays) pg 564: Two-Dimensional Array Initialization during Declaration pg 566: Processing above ^^^
Chapter 9: Structs
pg 616 - 617: Accessing Struct Members pg 620: Chart of above^^^ pg 626: Structs w/in Struct.
Chapter 10:
pg 657: Members (Variable Object Declaration) pg 670 - 671: Public and Private (Class level), (Invoking Structures w/....) pg 681: Constructors and Destruction. (Destructors have tilde(~) pg 685:
Things we should know:
Page 6 - the binary chart of units and machine language is the language we compile into
Page 9 - the compiler. Translates instructions into high level machine language. Pre-processor is a nice to know.
Page 22 - Just in case you forgot, C++ is evolved from C.
Page 42/43 - Data types and assignments, expressions arithmetic operators.
Pages 50/51 - CAST operation - will likely have test questions with realistic examples on how these would convert. CAST doesn't round. We'll probably see these in the book.
Page 64/65 - initializing variables, CIN/COUT
Page 69, 70, 71 - incrementer decrementers. ...X=5. X++ = 5, ++X = 6.
** Remember to use CPP shell for the test, not
72 - Examples of COUT
Page 77 - Commonly used escape characters chart location
Page 130 - CIN extractor operator - INPUT FAILURE, paragraph right under the note. (CHAR cannot go into an INT, INT can go into a CHAR)
Page 133 - CIN, GET, IGNORE functions. There are examples on 135.
Page 136 - PUT BACK and PEEK functions
Page 144-147 - SHOW, SET PRECISION, FIXED manipulators and how they work.
Page152 - SETFILL
Page 154 - LEFT/RIGHT manipulators
Page 200 - AND OR expressions. AND - both true, OR only one has to be true. LOGICAL OPERATOR CHART ON 199.
Page 221/222 - the (==) and the (=) operators, the silent killer (X=# will always be true because it's an assignment)
Page 223 - IF/ELSE
Page 227 - SWITCH structure through 230
Page 230 - Example of SWITCH statement
Page 269 - WHILE loop structure (Pre-Test)
Page 298/299 - FOR loop structures (Pre-Test)
Page 309 - DO/WHILE loop structure (Post test). Pretests may never execute, a do while will fly at least once
Page 356 - RETURN statement on a value returned can be a variable, expression or a constant. Top of page 360 shows an example of this; the compareThree example.
Page 360/361 - Functional Protypes
Page 363- Recall that in a value-returning function, the RETURN statement returns ONLY ONE value. It is always the LAST value.
Page 378 - VOID statements return nothing
Page 468 - ENUM starts with a ZERO [0]. 476 Good example of ENUM with SWITCH statement
Page 471 - NO Arithmetic in ENUM types
Page 492-493 - STRING concatenations, examples on 494-495
Page 502, 503, 504 - Examples of inserts.
Page 527/28 - Basic layout of an array in a loop and how to use it. 528 examples on initializing, reading, printing, finding sums...etc.
Page 536/37 - More detailed examples built into functions, single dimension array.
Page 552/3 - C strings and arrays
Page 564 - Layout and initialization of an array
Page 566 - 570 - processing 2D array
Page 616-617 - Set up and assignment of a struct through 618/19.
Page 620 - Good comparison chart between arrays and structs
625/626 - structs within structs
Page 657 - Different types of members. Variable object declaration, unified modeling language class diagrams. Class members [.] [.] is the member access operator
Page 670/671 - Public/Private at the class level and how to declare pieces that are private and pieces that are public
Page 671 - Constructors with parameters (might be handy for assignment 9 too)
As many constructors as you want, only ONE destructor. [~] is the indicator for a destructor.
Page 685 - Class and struct capabilities and why we use one over the other.
Chapter 1:
pg 9: Know what a compiler is.
pg 22: C++ derived from C language.
Chapter 2:
pg 42 & 43: datatypes, variables, assignment statements. Arithmetic Operator Precedence, and Expressions.
pg 51: Type conversion (Casting). C does not round, truncates.
pg 65: Initializing Variables. Know difference between cin and cout.
pg 69, 70, 71: Increment and Decrement Operators.
pg 72: Examples of cout.
pg 77: Escape Sequences.
Chapter 3:
pg 130: Using Predefined Functions in a Program.
pg 133: cin and Get functions
pg 135: Ignore function
pg 136: Putback and Peek functions
pg 144 - 147: Setprecision and Fixed Manipulator
pg 152 - 154: Setfill, Left & Right Manipulators
Chapter 4:
pg 200: Boolean Operators and Logical Expressions
pg 222: "Silent Killer" Confusion b/t the Equality Operator(==) and the Assignment Operator(=)
pg 223: Conditional Operator (If, then, else)
pg 227 - 230: Switch Structure
Chapter 5: Loops
pg 270: Conditional Flag Test
pg 298 - 299: "For" loop
pg 309: "Do While" loop
Chapter 6: Functions
pg 356: Return Statement
pg 360 - 361: Functional Prototypes
pg 363: Value- Returning Functions, (If x = 7, and y = 3) >> return 5, x, y + x; = 10
pg 380: Void
Chapter 7: ENUM
pg 475 - 476: Examples of enum with switch.
pg 492 - 493: String types
Chapter 8: Arrays
pg 527 - 528: Array and a Loop (Initializing, Printing, Reading)
pg 536 - 537: Examples of above ^^^
pg 552 - 553: C- Strings (Character Arrays)
pg 564: Two-Dimensional Array Initialization during Declaration
pg 566: Processing above ^^^
Chapter 9: Structs
pg 616 - 617: Accessing Struct Members
pg 620: Chart of above^^^
pg 626: Structs w/in Struct.
Chapter 10:
pg 657: Members (Variable Object Declaration)
pg 670 - 671: Public and Private (Class level), (Invoking Structures w/....)
pg 681: Constructors and Destruction. (Destructors have tilde(~)
pg 685:
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