Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Notes for Summer Midterm 2019

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chapters 1-6
25 questions, 4pts per question


Pg 9
definition about what’s a compiler, source code, what is a cpp file

Pg 9
What is at the very top of your program, #include, what is that?

Where did C++ evolve from? (page 22)


Pg 50 type conversions
Truncated decimal when converting float/double to int

Pg 54-57
Setting up data type
Assignment initialize

Pg 69-71
incrementers and decrementers

Pg 72
Static strings
Escape sequences (pg77)

Pg 92
Doing compound assignment statements


Pg 127-128
Using cin and the extraction operator >>

Pg 129
Number 5; remember the rules of data type of a on pg 127 table 3-1

Pg 134-136
Cin and ignore function

Pg 137-138
Putback and peek functions

Pg 144-147
Setprecision manipulator, fixed manipulator, showpoint manipulator,

Pg 152
Setfill manipulator (see example on pg 153)


Pg 195
Basic syntax of if/else, what does a semicolon on the end of an if/else statement do?
Nested if-else
Where does the else go?

Pg 200-201
Nots, ands, ors: rules for those
In an and, how many statements have to test true for it to be true? (both)
In an or, how many statements have to test true for it to be true? (at least one)

Pg 221-222
The difference between equality and assignment
=, ==
Anything other than 0 in an if statement with = will always output true

Pg 223
Conditional operator

Pg 227-230
Switch statement
Using a break after every case
Default works like an else


For and while - pretest
Do while - post test - statement body will execute one time

Pg 269-272
While loop structure

Pg 298-299
Definition of for loop statement

Pg 309
Do while loop

Why would you use a for loop? (when you have a specific number of cycles)
While loop (is good general purpose loop)
Do while (you want the statement to execute at least once prior to testing your condition)


Pg 353
Value-returning functions and void functions

Pg 356
Syntax of return statement - return expr;
Expr is a variable, constant value, or expression.
With multiple variables, they must be the same data type as the function, and it will return the last variable in the list separated by commas (pg363)

Pg 361-362
Functional prototypes
If the function is below where it is executed or referenced, it will return an error

Pg 399
Reference parameters and value-returning functions
Scope of an identifier