Tuesday, October 24, 2017

ch8 ex 13 data file

Johnson 85 83 77 91 76
Aniston 80 90 95 93 48
Cooper 78 81 11 90 73
Gupta 92 83 30 69 87
Blair 23 45 96 38 59
Clark 60 85 45 39 67
Kennedy 77 31 52 74 83
Bronson 93 94 89 77 97
Sunny 79 85 28 93 82
Smith 85 72 49 75 63

Output file:
Name        Test 1  Test 2  Test 3  Test 4  Test 5   Average   Grade
Johnson      85.00   83.00   77.00   91.00   76.00     82.40     B
Aniston      80.00   90.00   95.00   93.00   48.00     81.20     B
Cooper       78.00   81.00   11.00   90.00   73.00     66.60     D
Gupta        92.00   83.00   30.00   69.00   87.00     72.20     C
Blair        23.00   45.00   96.00   38.00   59.00     52.20     F
Clark        60.00   85.00   45.00   39.00   67.00     59.20     F
Kennedy      77.00   31.00   52.00   74.00   83.00     63.40     D
Bronson      93.00   94.00   89.00   77.00   97.00     90.00     A
Sunny        79.00   85.00   28.00   93.00   82.00     73.40     C
Smith        85.00   72.00   49.00   75.00   63.00     68.80     D

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Unknown Error

If you get the Unknown Error with MS Visual Studio 2017 do thi: I have a same problem after update VS 2017 Enterprise to the build 26228.9. Repair installation doesn't fix anything. Still I got "Unknown error" message immediately after start VS2017. Fixing is possible by removing this folder: "C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_xxxxxxx"

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017

In c++ the dot is an operator, what does it do

when you pass the if or of stream to a variable as a function how do you pass it

what do you put in front of a logical expression to reverse its value

4 choices: only one of them is a reserve word

++ operator  : preincrement and postincrement:
Int a = 0
Int b = 0

B = ++A; means 1 is added to A then B becomes A: Preoperator
B = A++; means B becomes A then 1 is added to A: Postoperator

what is a valid char?

7 fill in the blanks, rest are multiple choice, total of 32 questions.

question 13 may want to use the compiler

For loop printing out the values of an array

DO you know the length of a string from looking at it?

calling conventions: two perspectives of a function: formal or actual: perspective
of the caller or the perspective of the called

two dimensional array
index operators

Member access specifier for a class
Inheritance: Base class and derived class?

which of the following class definitions makes the public members of the class A
class become the public members of the class B class

Question 26: Series of expressions: which one will evaluate to true? pick the one
that is ALWAYS true

Test does end with true or false questions actually

enum: understand the syntax

what is Macgyver's first name?

TO develop a program to solve a problem, you start by analyzing the problem.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

MidTerm Review Spring 2017

9 t/f
20 multiple choice
char  extraction operator (>>) how it behaves.  
flag control while loop do you use bool value? yes
while loop ( ) <----- div="">
how many times does a for loop execute/iterate. for(int i = 1; i<5 4="" div="" false="" i="" is="" so="" times.="" whenever="">
know pre and post  ++x(pre)/x++(post)
o ex.1
o x = 5;
o x++ = 5 //x = 6
o ++x=  7
o ex.2 a = 1;
o b = 0;
o b = ++a;
o a = 2;
o b = 2 ;
o -------------
o b = a++;
o b = 1;
prototyping a function:
using namespace std;
void protoTypedFunction(int,int);   the prototype
know what an infinite loop is:
o ex: while(true)
A while loop tell the output of it.
Part of dev environment combines our pro./prog. from - assembler linker, decoder, complier.
Know this something:
o cin >> x >> y;
o stdin: 5, 6;  x = 5 y = 6
interger division
19 / 7 =  2
length of a string.
o string name = "Billy" 
o length = 5

cout << pow(pow(num, num), number) << endl;
o pow = power operator from cmath/math.h.
o pow(9,3) = 9^3 =  9 * 9 * 9
Pre increment operation example. Break it down into 2 steps.
Ifstream <--- 160.="" a="" div="" file.="" opening="" page="">
Ascii has 128 characters
o Other one has 255 characters.
o Unicode has 65535 characters